Child Custody

Legal issues that involve children are often the most complex and difficult to navigate, because they touch the relationships that you value most. At Golda R. Jacob & Associates P.C., we work closely with clients to help them protect their right to parent and the well-being of their children.

Texas Custody Laws

Although people often talk about fighting for custody of their children, Texas law actually doesn’t reference the word custody at all. Instead, the state’s statutes discuss the legal rights and responsibilities of parents as “conservatorships” based on the best interests of the children.

There is a presumption in Texas that joint managing conservatorships – which give both parents input into major decisions in a child’s life – are in a child’s best interests. In families where co-parenting is not an option, one parent can be named the sole managing conservator, giving this parent the exclusive decision-making authority for the child.

At Golda R. Jacob & Associates P.C., we understand how important your children are to you, and how much is on the line in a custody case. That is why we advocate aggressively on behalf of our clients to help them secure and maintain a voice in decisions that affect their children.

In addition to conservatorships, our lawyers also help clients navigate a variety of other legal issues related to the rights and duties of parenting, including:

Contact A Houston Visitation And Conservatorships Attorney

To schedule a consultation with an experienced Houston child custody attorney, contact Golda R. Jacob & Associates P.C., at 713-227-7383.