Parenting Time

Conservatorships are decided independent from parenting schedules that outline the amount of time that both parents will have with a child. Parents with a joint managing conservatorship do not necessarily have equal parenting time, and when one parent has a sole conservatorship, the other may still be entitled to time with the child.

At Golda R. Jacob & Associates P.C., we guide clients through all aspects of these parenting decisions, helping them protect the time that they deserve with their children. Our lawyers work diligently to provide parents with the most effective, efficient representation possible, so that they can make arrangements that work for their family.

Creating Parenting Schedules That Work For Your Family

Texas statutes reference a standard possession order for children over the age of 3 that provides visitation with a noncustodial parent every other weekend, one evening a week, alternating holidays and for a longer visit during the summer. For children under the age of 3, the judge has authority to determine a schedule, that typically includes more frequent contact for shorter amounts of time. However, parents often reach a time-share agreement that better fits their unique situation and the needs of their children.

We work closely with clients to identify potential schedules that would work for both parents, and encourage clients to seek mutually beneficial arrangements when they are in the best interests of their kids. However, this is not always possible and when necessary, we will champion their rights in court to ensure they have the best possible chance of securing time with their children.

Contact A Harris County Parenting Plan Attorney

To schedule a consultation with an experienced Houston parenting time attorney,contact Golda R. Jacob & Associates P.C., at 713-227-7383.